I had to come down to earth and face the facts that I can't expect my personal relationships to be the ones I dream about. I am yet to master the art of patience and give the next person time to show their interest in their own way. It's a difficult task but if I don't do it, I'll keep making the same mistake until I learn and understand it. I have learned the hard way but I trust that I will pass this one with flying colours.
I'm a bit skeptical because it is hard to let someone in, then letting your guard down but you know that it might work against your favour in the end. The beauty of it will be that this time, I would've gone all the way, allowed myself to trust, then learn the valuable lesson so I can move on to different lessons life has planned for me. I'm a strong believer of learning from other people's mistakes, but even so, when there's a void that needs to be filled or if there's an ounce of belief that circumstances could've been different, I'd have to do what I think will help me grow and teach me the lesson that needs to be taught. Life throws these lessons at us to learn, and not learn from other people, as long as they're not physically harmful, I'd say go for it.
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